NETZPRAXIS publishes an interview with the FlexPlan coordinating person

The important German magazine netzpraxis ( has published an interview with the FlexPlan coordinating person Gianluigi Migliavacca in its las issue (netzpraxis 05/2021, 29 April 2021). The interview (in German) clarifies the main motivations as well as the ambitions of the FlexPlan project. The FlexPlan interview can be downloaded here:ür-Projektseite-np21_5_32_Berger_Bhn.pdf.

An ENLIT webinar for the FlexPlan project

A new ENLIT webinar is released today in the form of on demand video ( on the theme “Flexibility to support Grid Planning”. The webinar provides an overview of the activities of the FlexPlan H2020 project, aimed at establishing a new grid planning methodology considering the opportunity to introduce new storage and flexibility resources in…

New issue of the FlexPlan project Newsletter published today

The third issue of the FlexPlan Newsletter (M18 – March-April 2021) has been published today. As usually, these few pages feature short articles that point to the most important news on the achievements of the project during the last six months. The newsletter file can be downloaded from:

The FlexPlan Advisory Board acquires an extra-EU dimension

The Chinese CEPRI (China Electric Power Research Institute), has joined the Advisory Board of the FlexPlan project as its 58th member. CEPRI ( is the research center affiliated to the Chinese vertically integrated utility, acting as national TSO and DSO. The person who joined FlexPlan Advisory Board is Ms. Dai Qian, project manager and team…

A new IEA workshop to discuss RES integration strategies

Electricity is a fundamental energy vector in the decarbonized RES-based energy system, but the intrinsic variability of renewables causes frequent and deep mismatches between local generation and load, calling for flexibility measures, system adaptation and integration with other energy vectors (i.e. gas, heat, hydrogen etc.). Most of the mechanisms for variable renewables integration have both…

Bilateral meeting between FlexPlan and ENTSO-E

On 18th February 2021, the FlexPlan project coordinator, Gianluigi Migliavacca, had a bilateral meeting with ENTSO-E. The European Transmission System Operators organization is member of the FlexPlan Advisory Body. Additionally, is presently particularly interested in the assessment of flexibility solutions as part of the system planning process. That both for the fulfillment of the prescriptions…

FlexPlan admitted to the BRIDGE initiative

BRIDGE ( is a European Commission initiative which unites Horizon 2020 Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation Projects to create a structured view of cross-cutting issues which are encountered in the demonstration projects and may constitute an obstacle to innovation. Among others, being in the BRIDGE initiative maximizes Horizon2020 projects visibility towards those directorates…