A new ENLIT webinar is released today in the form of on demand video (https://www.enlit-europe.com/on-demand-library/flexibility-to-support-grid-planning) on the theme “Flexibility to support Grid Planning”. The webinar provides an overview of the activities of the FlexPlan H2020 project, aimed at establishing a new grid planning methodology considering the opportunity to introduce new storage and flexibility resources in electricity transmission and distribution grids as an alternative to building new grid elements.
The first part of the webinar featured four presentations on different aspects of the FlexPlan project: on the overall project approach (Gianluigi Migliavacca, RSE, Project Coordinator), on the new grid planning approach proposed by FlexPlan (Hakan Ergun, KULeuven/Energyville), on the pre-processor which proposes planning candidates (Raul Rodriguez, TECNALIA), on the build-up of the project scenarios (Björn Matthes, TU Dortmund) and on attention points on “flexibility” and its future role in grid planning coming from an attentive screening of EU regulation (Andrei Morch, SINTEF Energi).
The second part of the webinar featured a panel among the speakers on the theme “Present and future needs for the European grid: how to enforce a future role for flexibility”, moderated by Mr. Migliavacca.