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Web Consultation – 2050 Scenario data

FlexPlan project aims at creating an innovative grid-planning tool and validate it through six different regional
cases in Europe and considering three target years: 2030, 2040 and 2050. These cases include:
– Iberian Peninsula
– France and Benelux
– Germany, Switzerland and Austria
– Italy
– Balkan Countries
– Nordic Countries

Web Consultation – benefits and drawbacks of developing the FlexPlan grid
planning tool as a cloud-based service

The FlexPlan project aims at creating an innovative grid-planning methodology and a corresponding tool
considering the opportunity to introduce new storage technologies and flexibility resources in electricity
transmission and distribution grids as an alternative to traditional grid investments, such as building new
lines or reinforcing existing ones.
With the definition of the new grid-planning methodology finalized (see our recently published deliverable:
Probabilistic optimization of T&D systems planning with high grid flexibility and its scalability), one of the
current key activities of the project is to design, develop and test an efficient grid-planning software
implementing the defined methodology.

Web Consultation – Desired characteristics for open-source FlexPlan.jl
library release

The FlexPlan project aims at creating an innovative grid-planning tool considering the opportunity to
introduce new storage and flexibility resources in electricity transmission and distribution grids as an
alternative to network reinforcement.
The mathematical formulation of the planning tool has been completed and the planning model is
implemented as a proof-of-concept software library in called FlexPlan.jl in Julia / JuMP. FlexPlan.jl will be
made available to the research community and industry as an open-source library in the next months, and it
is based on a number of widely used open-source libraries developed in Julia language, such as

Web consultation – Technology: flexibility resources

The increasing integration of variable wind and solar generation in the power system requires getting
flexibility from other resources, such as storage and demand. Storage, other than pumped-storage
hydropower, and demand response have not been considered in traditional network planning procedures
and it is the aim of FlexPlan project to revert this situation, where flexibility resources are presented as
candidates for network planning, competing with new line construction.
To help the planning tool in the candidate selection process, a pre-processor tool methodology has been
defined and the first version of this software has been produced. The pre-processor software receives as
• the results from an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) run on the non-expanded network model;
• the network model and scenario;
• a characterization for network nodes (useful to decide which technologies can be hosted in each
• a set of pre-defined network candidates provided by the user (especially useful for new grid
expansion corridors).

2050 Scenario data

The FlexPlan project aims at creating an innovative grid-planning tool and validate it through six different regional cases in Europe and considering three target years: 2030, 2040 and 2050. The three storylines created by ENTSO-E released as part of TYNDP2020 have been adopted as the reference scenarios for the three target years. However, current public available data for TYNDP2020 scenarios only consider the timeframes of 2030 and 2040, leaving a gap for the data to be used for 2050. Thus, a strategy needs to be formulated to populate the corresponding 2050 scenario data. Stakeholders’ point of view is sought for!

Technology: flexibility resources

It is somehow obvious that flexibility resources will be considered as a support to power system planning processes in the near future, but many uncertainties still exist about how this should be done. A big question is which role flexibility resources will play in power system operation at 2030/2040/2050. What kind of new players or new operational concepts will arise till 2050? On these aspects, we would be keen to listen to the opinion of the European stakeholders.

Planning tool: Features and interfaces

The grid-planning tool to be created within the FlexPlan project will implement advanced features. Nonetheless, the real ambition of the project is not to create a tool useful for R&D studies but to be able to create a prototype of something which could be profitably adopted by the planning departments of TSOs and DSOs in Europe. For this reason, we would like to listen to the opinion of TSOs and DSOs about their preferences (also on “external” aspects like input data format and GUI interfaces).