Electricity is a fundamental energy vector in the decarbonized RES-based energy system, but the intrinsic variability of renewables causes frequent and deep mismatches between local generation and load, calling for flexibility measures, system adaptation and integration with other energy vectors (i.e. gas, heat, hydrogen etc.). Most of the mechanisms for variable renewables integration have both supply and demand side components, with storage and vector coupling as a useful buffer.
A very delicate trilemma lays in front of policy makers and system developers and operators: i.e. whether the future system evolution should go in the direction of overcapacity (building more generation to ensure capacity in all situations, building more dispatchable/interruptible demand, to ensure reaction towards supply variation), diversification (leveraging multiple energy sources and demand, diversified across geographic locations) or storage (meant as decoupling option leveraging multiple energies at multiple scales, multiple locations, dynamics and flexible scheduling of energy service demand).
To discuss this strategic topic, a new workshop is organized in the frame of the Integrated Electricity System Coordination Group (IESCG) of the End-Use Working Party (EUWP) of the IEA.
Title of the workshop is “Over-capacity, diversification or storage: Where are the thresholds that maximise flexibility in RES-based systems?”. It will take place on Thursday, March 11th h9.00-12.15 CET.
The FlexPlan Project Coordinating Person, Gianluigi Migliavacca – RSE, will illustrate the methodology proposed by FlexPlan in order to get to an optimal system grid development strategy incorporating the possible contribution coming from new storage devices as well as Demand Side Management, thus contributing to provide an optimal solution for the aforementioned trilemma.
The event registration is free. Workshop agenda and registration form can be found here.