FlexPlan at ENLIT Europe 2021 (Milan)

After the dark period of COVID-19, where all conferences were held on-line, ENLIT has perhaps been the first in Europe to open again for a physical meeting. ENLIT, formerly European Utility Week and PowerGen Europe, is one of the most important events in Europe in the field of energy. The event has a unique format…

Package OptimalTransmissionRouting.jl published in open access

The OptimalTransmissionRouting.jl package is a Julia/JuMP package to determine the optimal transmission system route considering spatial information. Such package has just been published as an open access license toolbox and can be found on: https://github.com/Electa-Git/OptimalTransmissionRouting.jl The principle upon which the toolbox works is: spatial information coming from an image file is convertered into an array…

FlexPlan at the ISGT Europe 2021 conference

ISGT Europe is possibly the most important conference on Smart Grids in Europe. This year, as it id the case for most of the events, it will take place in virtual form. The program of the event is available (hours in Finnish time): at: https://easychair.org/smart-program/ISGT-Europe2021/index.html FlexPlan will be present in a dedicated session which is…

FlexPlan at the CIRED 2021 virtual conference

As known, CIRED is the most important discussion forum on R&D activities concerning distribution networks. The 2021 edition (https://www.cired2021.org/) will be held in virtual form on 20-23 September 2021. FlexPlan will provide two important contributions: Presentation of the paper “Planning of distribution networks considering flexibility of local resources: how to deal with transmission system services”.…

FlexPlan mentioned in TERNA’s Development Plan 2021

The Italian Transmission System Operator TERNA has recently published its annual Development Plan for year 2021: https://download.terna.it/terna/Piano_Sviluppo_2021_8d94126f94dc233.pdf – in Italian, which highlights all grid reinforcement investment planned for ensuring security of supply of the Italian network. In such document, the FlexPlan project is mentioned on page 87 as one of the key on-going R&D projects.…

FlexPlan pre-processor methodology published

The FlexPlan pre-processor is the tool that analyses grid investment needs (new lines, new storage devices, flexible exercise of big loads) on the basis of Optimal Power Flows with non-expanded grid but updated generation and load scenarios. The results of this analysis is the elaboration of a set with the most promising candidates for grid…

FlexPlan presented at PowerTech 2021

A special session was held during the first day of the virtual conference PowerTech 2020, to present some highlights of the two projects FlexPlan and INTERPLAN. The session, titled “Innovative solutions for transmission and distribution planning: results of the FlexPlan and INTERPLAN Projects” lasted 75 minutes and was coordinated and chaired by the FlexPlan project…