FlexPlan.jl is a Julia/JuMP package to carry out transmission and distribution network planning considering AC and DC technology, storage and demand flexibility as possible expansion candidates. Using time series input on renewble generation and demand, as well a list of candidates for grid expansion, a mixed-integer linear problem is constructed which can be solved with any commercial or open-source MILP solver. Some modelling features are:
- Multi-period, multi-stage formulation to model a number of planning years, and planning hours within years for a sequential grid expansion plan
- Stochastic formulation of the planning problem, based on scenario probabilities for a number of different time series
- Linearized DistFlow model considering reactive power and voltage magnitudes for radial distribution grids
- Extensive, parametrized models for storage, demand flexibility and DC grids
- Different decomposition methods for solving the large-scale MILP problem
This package builds upon the PowerModels.jl and PowerModelsACDC.jl packages, and uses a similar code structure. Please note that this open-source implementation is the proof-of-concept implementation of the FlexPlan model, and serves is used as testbed for the implementation and validation of the full-scale FlexPlan tool.
Installation instructions, information regarding problem types and network formulations are provided in the package documentation (https://electa-git.github.io/FlexPlan.jl/dev/). The installation contains a number of different test scripts and test system data for various academic test cases, both for transmission and distributions systems. The source code can be found under: https://github.com/Electa-Git/FlexPlan.jl. The current release version is v0.1.1, and the package will be extended continuously with more example scripts, test case, additional problem types and improved documentation.
For any question, please refer to Hakan Ergun (KU Leuven): hakan.ergun@kuleuven.be.