The OptimalTransmissionRouting.jl package is a Julia/JuMP package to determine the optimal transmission system route considering spatial information. Such package has just been published as an open access license toolbox and can be found on:
The principle upon which the toolbox works is:
- spatial information coming from an image file is convertered into an array of installation cost weights. To that end, spatial information from is used. The created array represents a weighted graph connecting a number of nodes horizontally, vertically and diagonally with graph weights reflecting the installation costs for each region of the map.
- using the A-star algorithm, the shortest path in this weighted graph is found, which provides the least cost transmission path.
The OptimalTransmissionRouting.jl package is registered as an official Julia package, so that it can be used by simply adding the package (similarly to the install command in Python). In this way, it is possible to just call it from Python and use it. Documentation can be found at or by or by clicking at the documentation button on the GitHub repository.
The algorithm of the OptimalTransmissionRouting.jl package will be used in FlexPlan as a pre-processor to assess the best routing for new transmission corridors and its CAPEX cost.
For any question, please refer to Hakan Ergun (KU Leuven):