ISGT Europe is possibly the most important conference on Smart Grids in Europe. This year, as it id the case for most of the events, it will take place in virtual form. The program of the event is available (hours in Finnish time): at:
FlexPlan will be present in a dedicated session which is scheduled for Monday, October 18th at 17:45-19:30 CET (Session 7A: PANEL 1: “Building up the grid planning methodology of the future: the FlexPlan project”). Program of this session (completed by a Q&A session) is:
- G. Migliavacca (RSE) – Introduction to motivation and goals of the FlexPlan project
- H. Ergun (KU Leuven) – The FlexPlan innovative grid planning methodology
- R. Rodriguez (TECNALIA) – The FlexPlan “intelligent” pre-processor
- N. Amaro (R&D NESTER) – The FlexPlan regional cases: 6 study cases to check T&D grid upgrade needs till 2050
- M. Hanot (N-SIDE) – Building up the FlexPlan grid planning tool: a challenging software engineering task