The FlexPlan pre-processor is the tool that analyses grid investment needs (new lines, new storage devices, flexible exercise of big loads) on the basis of Optimal Power Flows with non-expanded grid but updated generation and load scenarios.
The results of this analysis is the elaboration of a set with the most promising candidates for grid expansion to be proposed to the FlexPlan planning tool, which, in turn, selects the best combination of them so as to minimize the sum of OPEX and CAPEX for the three grid years 2030, 2040 and 2050.
The very high level and simplified description above allows to understand how delicate is the analysis carried out by the pre-processor for the good outcome of the overall planning process. The problem with this tool is that, unlike the planning tool describe in the already published deliverable D1.2, for the pre-processor there is no optimization process that can do the full job, but it is necessary to implement a mixture of mathematical procedures and heuristic reasonings. There is also no previous experience, sibce to our best knowledge, FlexPlan is the first tool attempting to define this kind of expert system, mimicking the process of human planners, so as to work in a fully automatic way.
For this reason, the publication of deliverable D2.3, describing the methodology of the pre-processor, is something that the project FlexPlan is very proud of. We would appreciate any kind of feedback coming from experts (modelling experts or people with a grid planning background) on our methodology.