The Final Workshop of the FlexPlan project will be held in Brussels on 14th February 2023 at the following location:
So, it will be a physical meeting, because we think that the physical presence in a room stimulates the debate much more than any remote participation. The location in the heart of Brussels should also facilitate the participation of the most important EU stakeholders. Nonetheless, there are requests to participate in remote, we will do our best to make available also this participation modality (even if we don’t advise it, because in a mixed participation, remote participants are definitely disfavored).
Aim of the meeting will be to allow the participants to gather a complete knowledge on the FlexPlan project: methodology, tool, simulation and scenario results and regulatory reflections. For each topic, there will be possibility to put questions and, in case, to generate some small debates on significant topics. The meeting will be concluded by a one-hour debate on prospects of up-scalability for the FlexPlan methodology and tools and on the takeways of the participants about what is really deemed applicable in everyday future grid planning practice.
Here the detailed programme:
- 00-10.00 – Overview of FlexPlan aim and methodology (1 hour including Q&A)
- 00-11.00 – Showcase of FlexPlan pre-processor and planning tool (1 hour including Q&A)
- 00-12.00 – Results of the pan-European model (1 hour including Q&A)
- 00-13.30 – Lunch time
- 30-14.30 – Results of the 6 regional cases (1 hour including Q&A)
- 30-15.15 – Preview of the final regulatory reflections and guidelines (45 minutes including Q&A)
- 15-16.15 – General debate on possible up-scalability of the FlexPlan methodologies and tools and about real takeaway for the European stakeholders (1 hour)
- 15-16.30 – Wrap-up and final conclusions of the meeting.
I recommend those who are interested to participate, to register by simply sending an e-mail to the project coordination (see “contacts” section on the FlexPlan web site) within the end of November 2022.
We are very confident that our methodologies and tools are ready for an uptake from the European grid planners. So, we would like to get the widest participation from the European stakeholders!
We look forward to meeting you in Brussels!