Mission of the ISGAN Academy on Smart Grids is to offer the ISGAN community of high-level engineers, decision makers, students and public in general, technical updates in the field of smart grids.
One of the activities of the ISGAN Academy is to organize periodically webinars putting in the spotlight on-going significant activities (projects, studies, etc) in the smart grids sector.
In this framework, a webinar was scheduled on September 9th 2020 in order to illustrate the highlights of the FlexPlan project, with a particular emphasis on the relationship with the present EU regulation. The webinar had the following program:
14.00-14.20 Introduction to the FlexPlan project: goals and approach (G. Migliavacca – RSE – Project Coordinator)
14.20-14.45 Spotlight on the regulatory framework in the EU: barriers and enablers towards a possible role of flexible resources in T&D grid planning (A. Morch – SINTEF Energi)
14.45-15.00 Q&A session
More than 320 people registered for the event and 140 were actually connected.
The video of the webinar is available here: https://youtu.be/4s2GGlu-ylc
The presentation can be downloaded here: https://flexplan-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/FlexPlan-ISGAN-Workshop_FINAL2.pdf