Hot fall season for the FlexPlan project. Several dissemination events are scheduled in the months of September – October 2020:
- UPEC 2020 virtual Conference: 1-4 September 2020, – Presentation of a paper on project layout and modelling approach by the Project Coordinator: Gianluigi Migliavacca (RSE)
- ISGAN Academy webinar: 9 September h14.00-15.00 (public event: no registration fee) – Project overview and dissemination of deliverable D6.1 (regulatory issues). Participants: Gianluigi Migliavacca (RSE) and Andrei Morch (SINTEF Energi)
- EEM Virtual conference: 16-18 September, – Presentation of a paper on a survey of the present EU regulation on flexibility and storage and their possible interaction with grid planning. Presentation by Andrei Morch (SINTEF Energy)
- The fourth Energy Modelling Platform for Europe EMP-E 2020 (“Modelling Climate Neutrality for the European Green Deal”): 6– 8 October, – The FlexPlan Project Coordinator Gianluigi Migliavacca (RSE) will chair a 30 minutes debate on the changing role of DSO. He will highlight ideas coming from the two complementary projects SmartNet and FlexPlan.
- Enlit Europe (, former Energy Utility Week Europe: while the physical conference, was postponed to 2021 due to the COVID19 emergency, a set of virtual events was retained for 2020. In this frame, FlexPlan organizes a dedicated session of 1.5 hours on 3 December h11.00-12.30 CET (public event: no registration fee). The session will be coordinated and chaired by the Project Coordinator Gianluigi Migliavacca (RSE) and will see a choral participation many leading scientists of the project: Hakan Ergun (KU Leuven), Raul Rodriguez (TECNALIA), Björn Matthes (TU Dortmund) and Andrei Morch (SINTEF Energi).
More detailed news will follow on the FlexPlan web site closer to the events.