Planning tool: features and interfaces

    1.Please describe the current planning tool which you are using: Frequency of use (daily,weekly,yearly) / Planning horizon considered for the planning (e.g. 5-years,10 years) / Main user of the tool (e.g. analyst of grid planning department) / Graphical user interface (Yes/no) / Integrated with other systems (e.g. SCADA, AMI) / Vendor or in house development / Types of analysis performed (Load Flow, Probabilistic Load Flow, OPF, etc.)

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    2.In your current planning tool/methodology, what are the features that you lack (the most)?

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    3.Which other (modelling) features should be considered in the planning tool in your opinion

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    4.Do you have a preference on the input/output data model/format?

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    5.Might a different data model be a barrier for you to test the planning tool?

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    6.Which standard should it comply to?

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    7.What must have elements in the GUI would you need in the ideal planning tool?

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    8.In terms of input (scenarios) data, what are the most important features to have in a GUI according to you ?

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    9.How would you like to parametrize/specify input scenarios in the GUI?

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    10.Would you consider the possibility to perform what if scenarios or sensitivity analyses as a must have or nice to have ?

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    11.In terms of outputs, are dashboards useful to develop? If yes, what are the key elements you would like to see as an output to the ideal planning tool?

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    12.In terms of interfaces, should the planning tool ideally integrated with other tools you are/will be using? If yes, can you elaborate?

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    13.Would you consider having a web interface for interacting with the planning tool?

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    14.What is a realistic time that you would allow for the planning tool to run (order of magnitude)?

    Planning tool: features and interfaces

    15.If the model needs to be simplified to make it tractable/solvable in a reasonable amount of time, which features of the planning tool model would you simplify first?

    Tell us about you!