
    1. Which relevant studies can be used as data sources to characterize costs (CAPEX and OPEX) required to evaluate flexibility candidates (including DR, RES curtailment, battery storage, and others) at European level?


    2. Particularly for DR, which studies contain operational level data or at least highly reliable research level data for technical characterization (max amount of load shift, typical period of the day when the action is allowed, flexibility deactivation maximum period)?


    3. Which relevant studies can be used as data sources including CAPEX+OPEX costs related to typical grid expansion measures at European level? This is particularly relevant for our long-time scenarios (2050) for which TYNDP2020 does not contain any data.


    4. Should the regional cases follow a common approach using EU level averaged costs or should there be an effort to adapt these costs to national level ones? If yes, which other parameters are required and should be used as main inputs for this adaptation?


    5. What locational constraints should be considered in constructing BESS systems, hydrogen, pumped hydro and other storage systems?

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