FlexPlan is a very ambitious project aimed at providing an authoritative view on future grid planning prospects in Europe.
For that reason, we rely upon the expertise of the most important stakeholders fostering us in adopting the right modelling and scenario hypotheses during the development of the project activities.
In order to do it enlarging as much as possible the spectrum of the respondents, beyond setting up an Advisory Board which supports FlexPlan in the validation of the results to be obtained (presented at physical meetings at the end of each project year), we create web consultations, open to everybody whether internal or external to the Advisory Board. Web consultations are published in the middle of every project-year in the relevant page of the project web site.
Now, the three web consultations associated to the first project year have just been published. They concern the following topics:
1. 2050 scenario data: how to project them from 2030-2040 data of ENTSO-E scenarios?
2. Flexibility sources: which role will they play from now to 2050?
3. What specifications should an innovative planning tool have to be useful for future TSO-DSO planning offices?
You find the new web consultations on: https://flexplan-project.eu/consultations/
Providing your expertise is quite simple: for each consultation there is a two-pages document supporting the discussion and an on-line form where a set of questions is formulated, waiting for your answer!
Please provide your expertise within 29th May, because your know-how may make the difference for us!